
曹同学 11年前 提问


  爱德华王子岛省(prince Edward Island PEI)是加拿大最小的省份,人口约14 万,面积只有5,660平方公里,以“联邦诞生地”而知名。 全岛长度约220公里,最宽处约50公里,堪称为“迷你省”。
  PEI 投资移民申请条件(Immigrant Entrepreneur Criteria)
  净资产不少于 40 万加币;
  A minimum net worth of $400,000.
  投资 20 万加币创办企业或者购买现有企业至少 33% 的股份;
  Willingness to invest a minimum of$200,000 to establish a new enterprise (or to purchase no less than 33% of an existing business).
  最少 3 天的商务考察(面试),最好 5 天;
  Immigrant entrepreneurs and immigrant partners are required to visit Prince Edward Island for a minimum stay of three business days and, preferably, five business days.
  A business plan or ”Business Capacity” document to demonstrate that the Immigrant Entrepreneur has the capacity to establish a successful business in the Prince Edward Island business environment.
  10 万加币投资保证金(在 PEI 居住一年并建立企业后退还);
  Payment of a $100,000 business investment deposit, which is held in escrow and returned to the applicant after one year’s residency and the establishment of the business;
  2.5 万加币居住保证金(在 PEI 居住一年后退还);
  Immigrant Entrepreneurs are also required to place $25,000 in escrow with the Government of PEI as a good faith deposit. This deposit also gets returned after applicant has resided for one year in PEI.
  如果语言差需要 2 万加币的语言保证金,语言能力达标后退还;
  Immigrant Entrepreneurs (Partners) whose capacity in English or French is insufficient to be interviewed in that language are required to place $20,000 in escrow with the Government of PEI. This language deposit will be returned, should the applicant demonstrate moderate language skills, in English or French, after arrival in PEI.
  A combination of age, education, language skills and transferrable management skills. The ideal candidate to the PEI PNP is/has:
  55 周岁以下;
  less than 55 years of age;
  最少 14 年教育,并且至少有一年的高中后学历或学位;
  a minimum 14 years of education, including one (or more) post-secondary certificates or degrees;
  capable of being interviewed in English or French;
  与 PEI 经济相关领域的多年高级管理经验;
  has several years of management (or, preferably, business ownership) experience in a sector with relevance to the PEI economy.
  PEI will accept applicants who are not yet able to speak English or French - some of our finest applicants fall into this category - but, lack of skills in one of these languages must be offset by strengths in education or transferrable management skills. Similarly, exceptional transferrable management skills may offset a lack of post-secondary education.
  同时,PEI 投资移民需要通过分数测试,评分标准与加拿大联邦技术移民一致,及格分是 50 分。
  申请费 2500 加币;
  PEI 要求申请者在成为永久居民(PR)两年内需要安装承诺创建或购买企业,该企业不必与商业计划完全吻合。
  Immigrant Entrepreneurs are required to establish or purchase a business in PEI within two years of receiving permanent residency status. The business may be in any legal sector, and does not necessarily, have to be that indicated in the Business Capacity document, however, the Immigrant Entrepreneur is encouraged to meet a Provincial Nominee Program Officer to discuss the proposed activity to help ensure the business success and the return of the $100,000 escrow deposit.
  PEI 投资移民省提名的申请费是 $2,500 加币,申请时通过认证支票,汇票或银行汇票(certified cheque, money order or bank draft)中的一种方式随申请一起递交。
  PEI 省提名投资移民服务处联系方式
  Canada-PEI Business Service Centre
  75 Fitzroy Street
  Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island
  C1A 7K2
  Toll free: 1-800-668-1010
  Fax: 902-566-7377
  E-mail: pei@cbsc.ic.gc.ca
  Website: www.cbsc.org/pe


*联系电话: QQ号码:
  • 资深留学专家一对一申请

